Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kak Nanie!..Ini Dia!..:)

Salam buat semua...
Malam ni sempat pulak habiskan masa tuk siapkan tag dari Kak Nani..hehe..tah pape jek..padahal byk lagi perkara nk kena fikir...release tension lah kononnya..adehh...

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag five people including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real.. nothing made up! IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name :
Siti Nadiah

A four Letter Word :

A boy's Name :
Saleem...*pernah ada..rasa cinta...Opsz!..nyanyi pulak..huuu..[psstt..He's not a boy..He's a man!..takpela..kan2?hehe..:)..]

A girl's Name :
Syafiqah..*sape ek?hehe...:p

An occupation :
Student!...*kerja jugak,kan?huu..~

A color :
Soft colour...*byk la..:p

Something you'll wear :

A type of food :
Soup!..I like mee soup very much!..huuu....

Something found in the bathroom :

A place :
School..tempat segalanya bermula..

A reason for being late :
Sleepy?..haha...hanya alasan...

Something you'd shout :
Somebody!..Please help me!!!...

A movie title :
Semanis Kurma?...opss...bukan movie tuhh...S..what huhh...?..:wondering:...

Something you drink :
Syrup?..haha..the simplest one!

A musical group :

An animal :
Shy2 cat?...:p

A type of car :
Sport Car!..wahhh!..:))

A type of fruit :

err..nak kena guna S jugak ke?hehe...
Semua yg baca,harap berada dalam keadaan yg baik2 saja!..:p...

[pssttt...tak mau tag sesape la..takpe kan?..huu..masing2 sibuk n0w..~..]

Okeh,done!..:))...maceh Kak Nani cz sudi tag saya!..^_^...err..maaf la..lambat sgt pulak..hehe..:p

diari pengarang : Masih cuba mencari kesempatan dalam kesempitan!..


Balqish said...

balqisshafiqa! :D

Nanie said...

wee~~ gud2..

thanx tunaikan tag ini.. mencari kesempatan yg ade..

keep in touch ya..

Bintu Sazali said...

balqis shafiqa> ada2 saja balqis nih!..:p

kak nani> ur most welcome!..thankz again for this tag!..hehe


Lazada Malaysia